Cubans in the United States

How to send packages to Cuba from the United States?


If you’re one of those Cubans who want to help your family “on the other side of the pond” and you want to know how to send packages to Cuba from the United States, let me tell you that there are some ways and channels.

It’s “unusual” for a Cuban not to know how to send things to Cuba from the United States, because regardless of the city you’re in, there will always be an agency that can assist you with this task. But, step by step, the first thing is to answer your main question. 🤔

How to send packages to Cuba from the United States?

Specifically, packages can be sent to Cuba by air or sea, as geographically, sending them by land is not possible. Currently, the most common method for sending these shipments to the island is through shipping agencies that specialize in this economic activity.


Sending packages to Cuba by sea

Cubans typically use this type of shipping to send large-volume merchandise or products that, due to their dimensions or weight, must be sent by sea. 🚢

These shipments usually take much longer to reach Cuba, but it is the available alternative for sending large and heavy packages and products.

Envío a Cuba por vía marítima

Another reason why some Cubans choose to send packages to Cuba by sea is because it is much cheaper compared to air shipping. This means that for those individuals who are not in a hurry for their parcels to arrive, it is a very tempting alternative.

For Cubans who are repatriating, this is the avenue they have to transport the “household goods” allowed once their repatriation is approved. It is also commonly used to send “unaccompanied baggage.”


Sending packages to Cuba by air

This is the most commonly used method by Cubans to send things to Cuba, as it is a safer and faster option. The so-called “Cuban agencies” have managed to dominate this market and have extensive experience in carrying out these shipping operations to the island. We’re talking about tons of products that these agencies send to Cuba every month.

For the most part, the method these agencies use to send packages to Cuba from the United States involves using “mules.” Popularly, the term “mules” refers to individuals who travel to Cuba with luggage entrusted to them by these agencies in exchange for being able to go to the island “for free,” meaning the agency gains a “carrier,” and the “mule” gets a free trip to Cuba. That’s how it works. ✈

Envío a Cuba por vía aérea
Envío a Cuba por vía aérea

Through this method, items commonly sent include clothing, medicine, toiletries, non-perishable food, cell phones, small technological devices, televisions, and other products that, due to their weight and dimensions, are accepted by airlines and the Cuban Customs.


Sending packages to Cuba through shipping agencies

If the aerial route is the most commonly used to send all kinds of products to Cuba from the Yuma, shipping agencies are the most widely used method by Cubans to carry out such shipments.

These agencies can send your package, either by sea or air, depending on the products being sent, your budget, and ultimately, your choice. Although, as explained above, the aerial route is the most commonly employed.

These agencies also have their own stock of high-demand products so that when you visit them, you can choose to add some of these products to your package. 🏠

Agencia cubana Holguín Travel & Services

Many agencies also have their own online store for you to carry out the same operation but electronically, from the comfort of your home, regardless of where in the United States or the world you are located.

These Cuban agencies, in addition to shipping to Cuba, often offer many more services related to Cuban matters, such as selling tickets, car rentals, and hotel reservations in Cuba. They also provide money transfers, mobile phone top-ups, and other services.

But that’s not all; these agencies, now transformed into “multiservice” entities, also assist Cubans with procedures related to the Cuban passport, immigration procedures, notarial services, and more.


Online stores with shipments to Cuba

Another method that has gained ground in the “business” of shipments to Cuba is online stores and businesses where they sell a wide range of products of all kinds with the guarantee that they will take care of handling, shipping, and subsequent delivery to your people in Cuba. 🧑‍💻

The good thing about this structure is that you will save a lot of time since you won’t have to purchase what you want to send, nor go to any agency to process the shipment. Additionally, you can carry out this entire operation from the comfort of your home; you only need an internet connection and an electronic payment method. Aaaah, and from anywhere in the world, not just for residents of the United States.

Tienda online para Cuba "Alawao"

The downside is that you won’t be able to physically assess the products that your family will receive, so you’ll have to rely on the inventory, brands, and quality of the products offered by these online stores. Another drawback is that it may be a bit more expensive than if you handle the entire purchase and subsequent shipment yourself, but it’s understandable as it is a business, and they need to leave a margin of profit for these establishments.


Sending packages to Cuba through a family member, friend, or acquaintance

This method is essentially the same as the one used by agencies, but this time, you handle the process yourself. It involves finding a family member, friend, neighbor, or acquaintance who is traveling to Cuba and negotiating with that person to reserve a certain amount of weight so that you can send something to the island through them.

The advantage is that you are sending items with someone “known,” and at the same time, that person is likely to have a bit more commitment to ensuring that everything arrives in perfect condition… well, that’s how it should be. 🤝

Área de llegada en el Aeropuerto de La Habana

Similarly, in a reversed method, some residents of the United States who have a planned trip to Cuba make it known to their acquaintances so that interested individuals can send something to their relatives on the island for an agreed-upon price.

Relacionado:  Directorio de agencias cubanas de viajes y envíos en USA

As you can see, there are several ways to send packages to Cuba from the United States. The choice of route and method will ultimately depend on your needs, budget, and urgency.


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