
Wearing pants below: This is the meaning of this fashion


Generally, we all have a friend or acquaintance who follows the “trend” of walking the streets with pants below the usual level.

Young people are the ones who have embraced this in their daily lives, but the vast majority are unaware of the real meaning behind this peculiar habit.

This fashion is known as “shaggy-pants,” and it had its true peak in the United States in the 1990s, especially within the African-American community, spreading rapidly worldwide.

It originally originated in the country’s prisons back in the 1980s. Inmates were not allowed to have belts due to the potential physical harm they could inflict on each other. This led many to wear pants below, exposing their underwear.

Over time, it became somewhat distorted and evolved into a symbol of identification among prison inmates. Any inmate wearing pants this way was signaling a willingness to engage in intimate relations with another prisoner.


So, when you see someone wearing pants below, it doesn’t necessarily mean they desire intimate relations with someone of the same gender, even though that’s the real symbol of this fashion. They might wear it as just another trend, perhaps not even aware of its true meaning.

This is the case with many trends that become widespread in society, with people often having no idea about the history behind them.

Nevertheless, this fashion became very popular in dozens of countries worldwide, especially in developed nations where people prioritize fashion and follow it regardless of its consequences.


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